
In spite of the boasted brilliancy of recent microscopic technic, the friends of diagnostic curettage have not been able to lift this procedure to the plane of scientific acceptation, and even in cases of suspected malignant uterine disease, digital exploration has approval as the best of pertinent diagnostic measures. Curettement as a means of diagnosis can count a few sporadic friends. Its foes are legionary. They may be classified for contemplation into two groups: The first is made up of those gynecologic routiniers, who, in deference to an over-refined sense of delicacy, or from sheer indifference to the less salient details of diagnosis, prefer not to explore the malodorous and unsightly matter vented from the diseased uterus or vagina, and who likewise turn unmindfully from the examination of feces, pus and sputum. The most prized of scientific riches have been gleaned in exploration of the unpicturesque excreta. The modern medicine

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