
Background: The global pandemic of coronavirus has resulted in it causing several respiratory diseases. The mild common cold like illness is one of the major symptoms that represents the clinical presentation of the respiratory infection. Some patients can be asymptomatic while some might have characteristic symptoms in the form of coughs, dyspnoea, and fever. Mostly it affects people aged between 30 to 79 years. Major risk factors are people residing or travelling in the areas where risk of transmission is quite high, old age, and presence of comorbidities. The origin of the virus was linked to the Southern China’s Huanan wet market in Huanan. The pathophysiology has not yet been understood properly but the exudative diffuse alveolar is considered as the major reason behind the deaths due to respiratory failure. In order to control the spread there are four different ways currently: quarantine the contact for at least 14 days, screening of travellers, drive-through screening centres, and temperature screening. Isolation, infection management, and symptom management can be the most useful therapeutic approaches. Methodology: During this research, the systematic review has been done by referring to several studies that showed the data related to the diagnostic and therapeutic approach against Covid-19. During the research it has been -ensured that only the data from thighly qualified authors was used to determine the effective diagnostic and therapeutic options of Covid-19. The inclusion criteria were articles available in English language, the most recent and highly rated studies, and articles having statistics. The exclusion criteria were data which is available without clear statistics, articles other than those in the English language, data of high risk and low quality, and the data not able to provide the basic diagnostic and therapeutic options of Covid-19. It has been ensured that the quality of data should be maintained in order to establish quality research. Discussion: Covid-19 diagnostic options are oral and nasal PCR, rapid diagnostic test, serologic test, plain X-rays, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), CT scanning, ultrasonography, and nuclear scanning. The therapeutic options are pharmacological drugs (like chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, corticosteroids, sirolimus, tocilizumab), airway assistance ventilation, and vaccination. Conclusion: Covid-19 is on the verge of constant increase and is impacting many people around the globe. Currently, there is no proper treatment for covid-19 as a result of which everyday preventive actions and vaccination are the best things that an individual can do in order to prevent the spread of covid-19. Key words: Covid-19, corona virus, SARS-CoV-2, diagnostic, therapeutic

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