
The analytical study of the case material has allowed a precise evaluation of the distribution by age groups of the different pathologic processes of the breast, of the localization and dimensions of malignant tumors, as well as the diagnostic accuracy for those cases histologically ascertained and those with a follow-up. The diagnostic accuracy and the consequent reliability of the xeroradiographic method for the diagnosis of breast cancer is distinctly superior to that reported in the literature for traditional mammography, whereas for the differential diagnosis between circumscribed dysplastic manifestations and benign tumors xeromammography is not sufficiently reliable. The authors critically discuss the results and in particular the problem of false positives, which also include diagnostic errors that cannot be avoided in that they directly derive from the pathologic morphology of the disease process (plasma cell mastitis and sclerosing adenosis). As regards the problem of false negatives, they can be reduced within certain limits by resorting to other instrumental investigations. However, there are cases (1% of the malignant neoplasias histologically ascertained) that present a completely negative xeroradiographic finding. There are the limits of the radiologic investigation which cannot in any way be surmounted.

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