
In this report, we collected the Raman spectrum of cervical adenocarcinoma and cervical squamous cell carcinoma tissues by a micro-Raman spectroscopy system. We analysed, compared and summarized the characteristics and differences of the normalized mean Raman spectra of the two tissues and pointed out the major differences in the biochemical composition between the two tissues. The PCA-SVM model that was used to distinguish the two types of cervical cancer tissues was established. The accuracy of the model in differentiating cervical adenocarcinoma from cervical squamous cell carcinoma was 93.125%. The results of this study indicate that Raman spectroscopy of cervical adenocarcinoma and cervical squamous cell carcinoma tissue in combination with SVM (support vector analysis) and PCA (principal component analysis) can be useful for the classification of cervical adenocarcinoma and cervical squamous cell carcinoma tissues and for the exploration of the differences in biochemical compositions between the two types of cervical tissue. This study lays a foundation to further study Raman spectroscopy as a clinical diagnostic method for cervical cancer.

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