
Diagnosing bacterial infection in patients with novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) is not an easy task. Available data suggest that bacterial infection in patients with COVID-19 is rare and occurs in less than 10% of cases. At the same time, data of individual studies and systematic reviews indicate that more than 70% of patients with COVID-19 receive mainly empirical antimicrobial therapy with broad-spectrum antibiotics often before the diagnosis of COVID-19 has been verified. Therefore, this widespread empirical use of antibiotics is not supported by data on the need for their use.The article discusses the literature data on the significance of commonly accepted methods for diagnosing bacterial infection, with an emphasis on laboratory presence / absence tests. In everyday practice, the likelihood of bacterial coinfection in patients with COVID-19 is assessed by clinical presentation of the disease and the results of standard laboratory tests and imaging methods. However, when viral respiratory infection develops, this approach does not always allow to diagnose bacterial coinfection with sufficient significance. This issue may be handled by available modern test systems, the use of a combination of signs or additional laboratory criteria (for example, procalcitonin), and the analysis of the overall clinical presentation by the doctor using knowledge about patient risk groups.

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