
Introduction:Reactivation of herpes simplex virus (HSV)-1 can cause recurrent herpes labialis. This is a lesion that clinically consists of multiple vesicles that can break into erosive areas covered with crusts on the vermilion and surrounding skin. The lesions may recur, be triggered by systemic factors including; stress, menstruation, and local stimuli such as injury; sun exposure, and are usually preceded by prodromal symptoms. Case: a 44-year-old woman came to the Department of Oral Medicine at the Dental and Oral Hospital of the University of Jember with complaints of small blisters and peeling on the outer right corner of her mouth. The patient has had these complaints since 3 days, feels pain especially when eating and talking accompanied by not feeling well. The patient had experienced the same illness several years ago and relapsed again when experiencing stress and fatigue. The patient has no history of allergies, either to drugs or food. Treatment: Topical antiviral drugs are given in the form of 5% acyclovir cream and supportive therapy in the form of multivitamin tablets. Conclusion: Recurrent Herpes labialis caused by HSV-1 can be treated with topical antivirals drugs and multivitamin tablets.

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