
Chronic HCV infection progresses to fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The latter represents the third most common cause for cancer mortality. Currently, there is no reliable non-invasive biomarker for diagnosis of HCV mediated disorders. Profiling expression signature for circulatory miRNAs in the plasma of 167 Egyptian patients (40 healthy, 48 HCV fibrotic, 39 HCV cirrhotic and 40 HCV-HCC cases). QRTPCR was used to quantify expression signature for circulatory miRNAs. MiR-676 and miR-650 were powerful in discriminating cirrhotic and late fibrosis from HCC. MiR-650 could distinguish mild (f0-f1) and advanced (f2-f3) fibrosis from HCC cases. MiR-650 and miR-147b could distinguish early fibrosis from healthy controls meanwhile miR-676 and miR-147b could effectively distinguish between mild chronic and (f1-f3) cases from healthy individuals. All studied miRNAs, except miR-512, can differentiate between (f0-f3) cases and healthy controls. Multivariate logistic regression revealed three potential miRNA panels for effective differentiation of HCC, cirrhotic and chronic liver cases. MiR-676-3p and miR-512-5p were significantly correlated in (f1-f3) fibrosis meanwhile miR-676 and miR-512 could differentiate between cirrhosis and (f0-f3) cases. Both miR-650 and miR-512-5p were positively correlated in the cirrhotic group and in (f0-f4) group. Putative targets for investigated miRNAs were also determined. Investigated miRNAs could assist in staging and diagnosis of HCV associated disorders.

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