
Losses of fruit yield and runner production in commercial strawberries due to infection by viruses are high. In this paper, the system of detection of strawberry viruses by PCR was studied, sequences of Chinese isolates were analyzed, and the virus elimination methods were compared and evaluated with detection of viruses by PCR in strawberry plants. Total nucleic acid extracted from strawberry leaves by a modified CTAB method is suitable as a template for virus detection by RT-PCR. The method of detection of strawberry RNA and DNA viruses by multiplex RT-PCR using total nucleic acid as a template was established. Both Strawberry mottle virus (SMoV) and Strawberry mild yellow edge virus (SMYEV) were eliminated effectively from strawberry plants by culture of 0.2 mm or 0.5 mm length of shoot tip, while the application of thermotherapy to in vitro strawberry plants only eliminated SMoV. The 930 bp segment in 3' terminal region of SMYEV genome and the 574 bp segment located in the region of coat protein gene of SVBV were amplified respectively. The results of sequence analysis indicate that there are the special isolates of SMYEV and Strawberry vein banding virus (SVBV) in China.

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