
Non-communicating rudimentary horn pregnancy is a rare condition associated with serious complications and consequences. We reported a case of a 44-day non-communicating rudimentary horn pregnancy who was diagnosed by three-dimensional ultrasound (3D-US) and pelvic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), followed by treatment via laparoscopic resection. The 3D-US and pelvic MRI scan showed a consistent result. Serious complications and consequences were avoided. Postoperative diagnosis showed that the malformation was classified as type IIc. For such diagnosis as a unicornuate uterus with a rudimentary horn, if there are no symptoms, it cannot be treated. Once pregnancy is in the rudimentary horn, 3D-US or MRI should be conducted to determine the implantation location of the pregnancy capsule and the operation should be performed as soon as possible to avoid uterine rupture. Laparoscopic surgery can be chosen in the early stage.

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