
Aujeszky’s disease (Morbus Aujeszky, MA) is an infectious viral disease caused by swine alpha-herpes virus 1. The disease may be found in diff erent animal species, both domestic and wild, except in primates and humans. Pigs are a natural reservoir of the virus. Th ey are the only species that can survive the infection, but with a possibility of subclinical and latent infection. The main way of spreading the infection is through introduction of subclinically infected pigs into a herd. On the other hand, if the case of stress (transport, capture, dust) reactivation of latent infection and excretion of the virulent virus occurs. Th e aim of this study was to present the methods used in diagnosis and diff erential diagnosis. Th e material for examination originated from two pig farms with increased mortality of suckling piglets. The epizootic and clinical examination were used as well as pathomorpohological examination, standard laboratory methods for determining the presence of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, virus isolation in cell culture, serum neutralization test for determining the titer of specifi c antibodies against MA and microbiological testing of feed samples. Th e cases of MA on the pig farm where immunoprophylaxis against MA was not carried out, and the breeding animals were purchased from pig farms with unknown health status, causes great direct losses, like for example mortality of piglets, abortion, as well as indirect losses, like growth retardation and high cost of disease control.


  • Aujeskijeva bolest (Morbus Aujeszky, MA) je infektivno virusno oboljenje, čiji je uzročnik svinjski alfaherpes virus 1

  • an infectious viral disease caused by swine alpha-herpes virus 1

  • The disease may be found in different animal species

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Aujeskijeva bolest (Morbus Aujeszky, MA) je infektivno virusno oboljenje, čiji je uzročnik svinjski alfaherpes virus 1. Oboljenje se javlja kod velikog broja različitih vrsta domaćih i divljih životinja, izuzev primata i ljudi. Svinje su prirodni rezervoar virusa i jedina životinjska vrsta koja može preživeti infekciju virusom MA ali i vrsta kod koje postoji mogućnost nastanka subkliničke i latentne infekcije. Uvođenje u zapat subklinički inficiranih svinja predstavlja glavni put širenja infekcije. Izlaganje organizma dejstvu stresnih faktora (transport, hvatanje, prašenje) može dovesti do reaktivacije latentne infekcije i izlučivanja virulentnog virusa. Materijal za ispitivanje je poreklom sa dve farme svinja, na kojima su registrovana povećana uginuća prasadi na sisi. Pojava MA na farmi svinja koja ne obavlja imunoprofilaksu i nabavlja priplodni materijal sa farmi nepoznatog zdravstvenog statusa može naneti velike štete, kako direktne usled uginuća prasadi, pobačaja tako i indirektne zbog zaostajanja u rastu tovljenika i velikih troškova kontrole oboljenja. Ivan Pušić[1], Jasna Prodanov-Radulović, Radoslav Došen, Tamaš Petrović, Igor Stojanov, Marko Maljković

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