
Frustrated by worse than expected error for both peak area and time-of-flight (TOF) in matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) experiments using samples prepared by electrospray deposition, it was finally determined that there was a correlation between sample location on the target plate and the measured TOF/peak area. Variations in both TOF and peak area were found to be due to small differences in the initial position of ions formed in the source region of the TOF mass spectrometer. These differences arise largely from misalignment of the instrument sample stage, with a smaller contribution arising from the non-ideal shape of the target plates used. By physically measuring the target plates used and comparing TOF data collected from three different instruments, an estimate of the magnitude and direction of the sample stage misalignment was determined for each of the instruments. A correction method was developed to correct the TOFs and peak areas obtained for a given combination of target plate and instrument. Two correction factors are determined, one by initially collecting spectra from each sample position used and another by using spectra from a single position for each set of samples on a target plate. For TOF and mass values, use of the correction factor reduced the error by a factor of 4, with the relative standard deviation (RSD) of the corrected masses being reduced to 12-24 ppm. For the peak areas, the RSD was reduced from 28% to 16% for samples deposited twice onto two target plates over two days. Graphical Abstract.

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