
Three cases of acetabular labral tear (ALT) diagnosed with sonography (US) are reported. We aim to show utility for US with the addition of manual hip traction as an adjunctive modality to the current diagnostic imaging of choice, magnetic resonance arthrography (MRA), for diagnosing ALT. Three cases of young athletic patients with similar clinical presentations are reported. All received US examination of the hip with attention to the labrum that included a novel long-axis hip traction technique which assisted in diagnosing ALT. In the first and second cases, MRA and orthopedic consult were obtained for confirmation of the diagnosis. Arthroscopy was performed to correct the ALT. The third patient declined an MRA. Conservative management consisted of McKenzie method active care, resulting in return to sport in the third case. These three cases demonstrate the clinical and sonographic presentation of ALT. The dynamic long-axis hip traction protocol facilitated the use of US as an adjunctive modality for diagnosing ALT by increasing the visualization of the defect.

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