
Abstract The diagenetic evolution and chemical changes of mudstones have a significant influence on the reservoir quality of the mudstones and their interbedded sandstones. To investigate, a variety of methods were applied to the mudstones in the middle of the third member of the Shahejie Formation (Es3z), which were formed in a lacustrine basin during 43.7–38.2 Ma. Optical microscopy and XRD analysis show that the mudstones are dominated by clay minerals (56.8%) followed by carbonate (18.2%), quartz (14.9%), feldspar (8.4%), pyrite (0.9%), anhydrite (0.8%), and total organic carbon (TOC: 2.4%). Cementation and replacement are the main diagenetic events in the mudstone of Es3z. Carbonates and clay minerals are the most common cements, but occasionally authigenic pyrite, albite, and quartz are also present. At the eogenetic stage, the diagenetic events comprised precipitation of pyrite, siderite, dolomite, and calcite besides transformation of K-feldspar into kaolinite. During the mesogenetic stage, the main diagenetic events included precipitation of fracture-filling calcite, ferroan calcite, ankerite, microcrystalline quartz, quartz overgrowth, and transformation of K-feldspar into illite and albite. The limited variation of the Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios and the almost identical distribution pattern of the REE and trace elements indicate that the detrital material in the mudstones was sourced by a common provenance of felsic igneous rocks. The CIA values of Es3z mudstones vary from 50.59 to 65.05 and the PIA values vary from 50.86 to 75.58, which confirm a low-intensity weathering of the source area. Thus, the variation in the bulk-rock geochemical composition of the mudstones may not be primary, but instead a result of mass transfer with the interbedded sandstones during diagenesis. Changes ratios between aim elements (Al, Si, Ca and K) and immobile elements with burial depth in combination with mass balance calculation indicate that aluminum and silicon were retained by the precipitation of authigenic minerals in the mudstone. The mudstones have received progressively more potassium with increasing depths, whereas calcium has been expelled. The reservoir quality of the Es3z sandstones has mainly been affected by the diagenetically induced decrease in the carbonate content in the mudstones causing carbonate cementation in the sandstones.

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