
Ultrasound is used to study the production and annealing of the diaelastic effect in Fe. Frenkel pairs created by 2.3-MeV-electron bombardment cause the shear moduli, C' and ${\mathit{C}}_{44}$, to soften by (-27\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}2)% and (-17\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}4)%, per at. % pair, if resistivity per at. % pair is 20 \ensuremath{\mu}\ensuremath{\Omega} cm. Smaller diaelastic effects were expected theoretically, given the high migration energy of self-interstitials in Fe. The magnitudes are of the same order as for Cu, but the observed anisotropy matches that detected in Mo, the only other bcc metal tested.

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