
Diabetic painful polyneuropathy treatment


  • Diabetic peripheral neuropathies (DPN) are a heterogeneous group of disorders caused by neuronal dysfunction in patients with diabetes

  • A number of symptomatic treatments are recommended in clinical guidelines for the management of painful DPN, including antidepressants, γ-aminobutyric acid analogues, opioids, and topical agents

  • The current treatment of DPN is largely symptomatic, the other therapy direction is focused on pathogenetic process of disease, and there is some evidence that the use of alfa-lipoic acid, aldose reductase inhibitors and fat-solubile vitamin-B may have beneficial effect in terms of development of microangiopathy in patients with diabetes

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Dijabetesna polineuropatija (DPN) predstavlja heterogenu grupu poremećaja koji su prouzrokovani neuralnom disfunkcijom kod obolelih od dijabetesa. Distalna simetrična polineuropatija (DSPN) sa bolnom dijabetesnom neuropatijom se javlja kod oko 20% obolelih od dijabetesa i zajedno sa dijabetesnom autonomnom neuropatijom (DAN) predstavlja najčešću manifestaciju DPN. The current treatment of DPN is largely symptomatic, the other therapy direction is focused on pathogenetic process of disease, and there is some evidence that the use of alfa-lipoic acid, aldose reductase inhibitors and fat-solubile vitamin-B may have beneficial effect in terms of development of microangiopathy in patients with diabetes. Terapija DPN obuhvata sa jedne strane preventivnu terapiju bolesnika obolelih od dijabetesa, a sa druge strane terapiju već razvijene bolesti. Glavni faktor rizika za nastanak dijabetesne neuropatije je hiperglikemija, međutim značajni su i ostali faktori kao što su dužina trajanja dijabetesa, starija životna dob, arterijska hipertenzija, dislipidemija, pušenje. Glavni faktor rizika za nastanak dijabetesne neuropatije je hiperglikemija, međutim značajni su i ostali faktori kao što su dužina trajanja dijabetesa, starija životna dob, arterijska hipertenzija, dislipidemija, pušenje. 2

Klinička slika
Autonomna polineuropatija
Ispitivanje i dijagnostika
Terapija DPN
Simptomatska terapija
Oksikodon topikalno
Duloxetin Venlafaxin
Odobren od strane FDA za DPN
Gabapentin Pregabalin
Morfin Sulfat
Topikalni lekovi
Lek Capsaicin
Terapija usmerena na patogenetski proces osnovne bolesti
Full Text
Paper version not known

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