
Introduction. Diabetes mellitus has been the cause of 4.6 million deaths. In addition, health expenditure for diabetes mellitus has reached 465 billion USD. Complications experienced by patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus that causes the sufferer to experience dependence in regulating dietary patterns. Patients depend in managing the diet due to a lack of knowledge and lack of motivation in self-care. The purpose of this study was to identify the effectiveness of Diabetes Self-Management Education to independence yipe 2 diabetic patients in managing the diet. Method. This research was aPre-experimental study. Research design was one group pre-post-test design. The sampling technique used simple random sampling with 30 samples. Data was analyze by using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with a significance value of α = 0.05. Result. Pre-test results showed that almost all respondents (80%) or 24 samples in the category of partial care. The post-test results showed that the majority (56.7%) or 17 respondents in the category of minimal care. Statistical analysis showed Wilcoxon p = 0.000. Discussion. The conclusion of this research showed that the effects of Diabetes Self-Management Education on patient autonomy in managing diet in type 2 diabetes patient. Keywords: Diabetes Self-Management Education, Diet, Independence

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