
As I start my tenure as editor in chief of Diabetes Care , I would like to emphasize that I am extremely honored to have been chosen for this position, and I take the responsibility of continuing the success of the journal very seriously. The success of Diabetes Care has clearly been due to the hard work, dedication, vision, and expertise of the outstanding editors and associate editors who have preceded me in this role. Past editors in chief have included Jay S. Skyler (1978–1982, the founding editor), F. John Service (1983–1987), David C. Robbins (1988–1991), Allen L. Drash (1992–1996), Charles M. Clark, Jr. (1997–2001), Mayer B. Davidson (2002–2006), and Vivian A. Fonseca (2007–2011). Actually, I am able to serve as editor in chief today primarily because of the actions and guidance of the former editors of both Diabetes Care and Diabetes . Specifically, it was Dr. Mayer B. Davidson who first gave me an opportunity to serve as associate editor of Diabetes Care through 2006 and allowed me to make mistakes, learn from them, and grow in that position. Dr. Davidson also taught me the value of an open-door policy, reassuring me that he was always a phone call away if I had any questions or concerns. Dr. Peter C. Butler, the former editor in chief of Diabetes , allowed me to serve as associate editor thereof during his recent tenure, and I learned from Dr. Butler that there is no substitute for careful review of each and every manuscript submitted and that the peer review process has to be respected at every step by authors, reviewers, and associate editors. Finally, I owe a tremendous amount of gratitude to Dr. Vivian A. Fonseca, who continues to guide me in handling the day-to-day responsibilities of this position and has stressed …

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