
Dhumapana is a unique practice in Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine. It involves inhaling herbal smoke for various health benefits. Dhumapana is about inhaling fragrant smoke from herbs, minerals, and other natural substances. This practice is designed to keep the sensory organs healthy and prevent Dosha imbalances in the parts above the clavicular region, mainly related to Kapha dosha. There are different types of Dhumapana, each with specific purposes. For instance, it can relieve headaches, respiratory issues, or eye problems and even help with emotional well-being. Dhoomanetra is a special instrument used to perform Dhumapana. This is designed in such a way that makes sure the smoke is inhaled properly. There are specific instructions to be followed based on the type of herbs and substances used for Dhumapana. However, it's crucial to be aware of the Dhumapana contraindications, such as being too young or old or suffering from specific Pitta-related health issues. Dhumapana can have negative effects if performed improperly or excessively, although these effects can be controlled using ayurvedic treatments. Dhumapana can be included into a daily schedule to assist maintain a healthy body, mind, and senses. It is both therapeutic and preventative measures.

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