
This paper proposes a new population-based global optimization algorithm, Ọdịgbo Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithm–ỌMOA, for solving complex bounded-constraint/single objective real-parameter problems found in most engineering and scientific applications. It’s inspired by the human socio-cultural informal discipleship learning pattern inherent in the behavior of the Ndịgbo peoples; the subject – primary (Nwa-ahịa), in mercantile cycle grows to a secondary (Mazi) owing to the intuitive stratagem (dialect - Ịgba) embedded in an aged-long cultural model “Ịgba-ọsọ-ahịa” (meaning, strategic marketing skills, and practice). The model mimics the search routine for satisfying a customer’s need in the market, built into exploration and exploitation applied in the mathematical model. About 30 complex classical unconstrained functions are tested, comparing results with that of five similar state-of-the-art algorithms. Also, 29 CEC-2017 single objective real constraint benchmark serious dimensional problems were simulated and compared against the winners of that competition. Validation includes statistical (t-test, p-value) comparison and for 50 Dimension constraint problems as ỌMOA demonstrated superior performance. TCS (9.18%), WBP (6.3%), PVDP (601%), RGP (319%), RBP (760%), GTCD (202%), HIMMELBLAU (4%), and CDP (88.12%) are the improvements made on 8 CEC-2020 engineering real design problems against the former best performances; OMOA is simple to implement, replicate and applicable across domains. Also, some new, improved optimum was obtained in Shubert and Schaffer 4 function compared to the global optimums.

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