
We give a construction of NC-smooth thickenings [a notion defined by Kapranov (J Reine Angew Math 505:73–118, 1998)] of a smooth variety equipped with a torsion free connection. We show that a twisted version of this construction realizes all NC-smooth thickenings as \(0\)th cohomology of a differential graded sheaf of algebras, similarly to Fedosov’s construction in (J Differ Geom 40:213–238, 1994). We use this dg resolution to construct and study sheaves on NC-smooth thickenings. In particular, we construct an NC version of the Fourier–Mukai transform from coherent sheaves on a (commutative) curve to perfect complexes on the canonical NC-smooth thickening of its Jacobian. We also define and study analytic NC-manifolds. We prove NC-versions of some of GAGA theorems, and give a \(C^\infty \)-construction of analytic NC-thickenings that can be used in particular for Kähler manifolds with constant holomorphic sectional curvature. Finally, we describe an analytic NC-thickening of the Poincaré line bundle for the Jacobian of a curve, and the corresponding Fourier–Mukai functor, in terms of \(A_\infty \)-structures.

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