
Density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) with the DZVP/DZVP2 all-electron mixed basis sets are used to study the related energies, structures, frontier molecular orbitals and UV–Vis spectra for [M(Tp)(PPh3)(Cl)(L)] (M=Ru and Fe; L=C3H4N2 and C13H11N). The related energies between the singlet state (low-spin) and nonet state (high-spin) for these complexes are reported. Because of the low related energies, these complexes are expected to be in the singlet state (low-spin). The calculated structural parameters for complexes 1 and 3 (Ru-based) are in very good agreement with the experimental values, and the geometries of complexes 2 and 4 (Fe-based) have been studied as well. The metal–ligand bond distances for the Fe-based complexes are predicted to be slightly shorter than those of the Ru-based complexes due to the small spatial extent of the 3d wave functions of the Fe atom. These complexes display a HOMO of metal d and π(Cl) orbitals in character, and the LUMO is contributed by metal d and π∗(PPh3) or π∗(C13H11N) orbitals. The HOMO–LUMO energy gap (ΔEL–H) can be reduced by a π-electron rich ligand (such as C13H11N) and a low electronegativity metal atom (such as Fe). A π-electron rich ligand (such as C13H11N) can increase the electron accepting ability, which leads to more electrons being pumped into the π∗(PPh3) and π∗(C13H11N) orbitals and results in a red-shift and intensity-enhanced absorption in the UV–Vis spectrum. The UV–Vis absorption intensity can be enhanced by solvent (such as CH3OH) as well as resulting in a blue-shift, which suggests that it is due to the polarizability and dielectric strength of the solvent. Owing to the low electronegativity of the Fe atom, a red-shift occurs in the UV–Vis spectra for complexes 2 and 4. The primary absorption features for complexes 1 and 3 are attributed to MLCT/LLCT transitions; on the other hand, a MLCT transition results in the primary absorption features for complexes 2 and 4. Our results show that Ru can be replaced by the inexpensive Fe as the photo-sensitizer. In addition, these Ru- and Fe-based complexes are good candidates for photo-sensitizers in DSSCs due to rich absorption bands and strong absorption intensities in the visible region.

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