
The article examines the essence of the psychology of interaction in the process of innovative professional activity. The authors define the essence of the "management team" concept, the stages of its formation, and the features of the management team. In addition, the causes of conflicts in management teams, their characteristics, and the consequences for effective teamwork on the project are considered. The study describes the mechanisms of interaction in management teams and the ways to solve their problems. The authors describe the essence of disagreements in management teams, where the group members are both managers with a long history of holding a certain position and also newly appointed managers. The article also examines the essence of conflicts in management teams. The main factors of the appearance of conflicts are determined, where the character is given to such factors as the location of all team members on the same management horizon, the desire for leadership, the presence of experience in some team members compared to others, the relationship of the problematic issue to a certain department, the essence of the project. At the same time, the characteristics of interaction in the team are carried out. The authors characterize such ways of interaction as "shuttle diplomacy," executive influence, pressure from some team members on others, the presence of a common goal, and a motivational component. The study aims to highlight the essence of the psychology of interaction in the process of innovative professional activity in management teams.

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