
The dynamic development of modern pedagogical science is characterized by the search for basic approaches to building the educational process in higher education. It is aimed at educating and training a professionally competent, proactive, creative specialist with highly developed personal and creative skills. Such a specialist should be endowed with a sense of duty and responsibility to society. Moreover, he or she must be able to quickly adapt to the modern world, characterized by an increased role of the individual, and intellectualization of his or her activities in the face of rapid changes in the development of science and information technology. The article aims to identify the patterns and clarify the main vectors of higher education development, given the conditions and current requirements. In the course of the study, the analytical method was applied to study the scientific literature on the development of HEIs. To study and process the data, the authors employed such methods as analysis, synthesis of information, induction, deduction, systemic and structural, comparative, logical, and linguistic methods, abstraction, and idealization. Moreover, the authors of the study conducted an online survey to clarify the most important issues related to the peculiarities of the development of HEIs practically. Based on the results of the study, the main most important vectors of higher education development were identified, and the opinion of scientists and heads of HEIs on key practical aspects of higher education development was investigated.

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