
Spreading depression (SD) is a neural hyperexc/INS;itabi/INS;lity, which spreads/INS; to adjoining area of brain cortical; slowly continues/INS; through the brain and changes /INS;neural electrical and metabolic activity. It has been proved that SD plays/INS; a dramatic role in some neurological disorder through the changes it causes/INS;. Previous studies applied various types of drugs through diverse pharmacological aspects to relieve /INS;SD wave distribution. However most have been abort due to their unpleasant side effects. In the present study we seek for dexamethasone's (Dex) multifunctional properties in order to protect cellular damage and/INS; then prevent even other neurological disorder accuracy following SD. Animals/INS; were /INS;randomly divided into five groups/INS; including /INS;CTRLs, sham, spreading depression and dexamethasone treatment group. Animals/INS; were anesthetized and a /INS;cannula as well as an /INS;electrode was /INS;established above the brain cortex. Intracerebral KCl was used to induce repetitive cortical SD for 4 continuous week. Following each induction memory retrieval tests/INS; (T-maze) were done. The brains were removed after 4 weeks. Histopathologically estimation was used to testify dexamethasone effect. In addition dexamethasone effects on blood brain barer (BBB) to facilitate /INS;substance recovery in cerebral fluid were tested by Evans blue. By repetitive SD memory retrieval was impaired due to increscent of dark neural seen in several regions of juvenile rat brain. Besides/INS; that brain electrical activity determination showed slake of neural activity after SD induction. Neural cell recoveries after SD due to increscent of substance passage through BBB were promoted/INS;.

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