
Warts are caused by Human papiloma virus which causes a skin infection in all ages, it is un-convenient, if not treated by using the relevant medicine. Tamarisk is a plant commonly known as Salt cedar or, (Athal in Arabic region), which belongs to the Tamaricaece species, the presence of high content of phytochemical compounds like polyphenolics and flavonoids, is a potential source of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative properties, that seems to have secrete medication effect on warts infection. A study to dew water of tamarisk leafs effect on warts infection have showed magic results, seven cases used dew water as remedy irregularly once per day for four to seven times per month, all cases totally healed from warts infection and responded positively 100% to the use of tamarisk leafs dew water.

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