
Many software development organizations are starting adopting the Development-Operation (DevOps) to foster better collaboration between development and operations teams, in order to improve the software development process quality and efficiency; therefore, it’s very important to measure the adoption of the DevOps for these organizations. Maturity models are used as a tool to assess the effectiveness of organizational processes on adopting certain practices and identify what capabilities they need to acquire next in order to improve their performance and reach higher maturity level. However, there is few DevOps maturity models recently have been emerged as means to assess DevOps adopted practices. This research aims to conduct an empirical field study to assess the DevOps adoption level in seven Saudi organizations using one of the published DevOps maturity models namely Bucena model. The findings show that the Saudi organizations are ranging from the third level (Defined) to the fourth level (Managed) in their adoption. This shows promise in the Saudi organization adoption of DevOps as no organization of the surveyed ones recorded in lower levels.

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