
PART I. 1.Perspectives on Deviants. Who Is Deviant? The Rational Deviant - The Classical School. The Deviant as Determined - Positivist Criminology. Physical Characteristics of Deviants - Early Approaches. Heredity and Mental Deficiencies. Physical Characteristics Revisited. Personality Defects and Attributes. Sociobiology - Trailblazing or Backtracking? 2.Perspectives on Deviance. Economic Influences. Anomie. Subcultures of Deviance. Control Theory. 3.Why Is Certain Behavior Deviant? Labeling Perspective. Conflict Perspectives. Once Again: What Is Deviant? Interest Group Conflict and Deviance. PART II. 4.Crime in the Streets - Against the Person. Measuring Crime. Murder and Aggravated Assault. Forcible Rape. Violent Sex and Conflict. 5.Crime in the Streets - Against Property. Robbery. Burglary. Motor Vehicle Theft. Larceny-Theft. Arson. Larceny in the American Heart. 6.Assaults against Children and Spouses. Physical Abuse of Children. Spouse Abuse. Sexual Abuse of Children. 7.Deviance and Organizations. Employee Theft. Police Corruption. Corporate Deviance. Organized Crime. PART III. 8.Deviant Drug Use. Drug Use as Deviance. Alcohol. Heroin. Marijuana. Cocaine. Drug Control: The Great American Flop. 9.Mental Disorders. What Is Mental Disorder? Correlates of Mental Disorder. Disease or Label? Conflict and the Therapeutic State. 10.Cyberdeviance. The Computer Underground. Sexual Deviance and Cyberspace. 11.Sexual Deviance: Prostitution and Homosexuality. Prostitution. Homosexuality. Name Index. Subject Index.

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