
Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of a series of glaciofluvial/glaciodeltaic sediments in central Buchan and Aberdeen has recently been undertaken. The aims of this project are to test the chronological model proposed by the most recent regional review and the suggestion that parts of Buchan may have remained ice-free during the last glacial maximum (late marine isotope stage (MIS) 3 and MIS 2 29–15 ka). The preliminary results indicate that during the Devensian (ca. 116–12 ka), extensive areas of Buchan may have been glaciated earlier than previously believed (possibly during MIS 4, 72–60 ka), but parts of the region show no depositional evidence of later glaciation. Some waterlain sediments from the Ugie Valley have yielded OSL ages indicating deposition during MIS 5d to MIS 5a (116–72 ka). We discuss whether the absence of overlying glaciogenic sediments at these locations raises questions about the reliability of the OSL ages or about existing models of the Devensian glaciation of Buchan.

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