
espanolRESUMEN: El presente articulo propone una lectura de la novela Fruta podrida (2007) de la escritora chilena Lina Meruane en terminos de su consistente exploracion de las potencialidades del cuerpo femenino. Dichas corporalidades se articulan a traves de imaginarios y practicas de contaminacion y toxicidad asentados tanto en la interpenetracion de lo humano, lo animal y lo vegetal como en estrategias y materialidades escriturales y de lectura. Los imaginarios toxicos habilitan multiples modos de ‘devenir’ que, a su vez, inauguran nuevos abordajes a la construccion contemporanea del cuerpo femenino en el contexto del campo chileno en estrecha conexion con complejos sistemas globales de produccion economica e identitaria. Asi, en esta novela la toxicidad visibiliza practicas y corporalidades implicitamente marcadas en terminos de genero, raza, clase social y origen geopolitico, asi como tambien sujetos, memorias e historias locales del campo chileno. EnglishABSTRACT: This article proposes a reading of the novel Fruta podrida (2007) by Chilean writer Lina Meruane in terms of its consistent exploration of the potentialities of the female body. Such corporalities are articulated through imaginaries and practices of contamination and toxicity based both on the interpenetration of the human and the non-human and on writing and reading strategies and materialities. Toxic imaginaries enable multiple modes of ‘becoming’ in the novel which, in turn, inaugurate new understandings of the contemporary articulation of the female body in the context of the Chilean countryside in close relation with complex global systems of economic and subjective production. Thus, in this novel toxicity operates to visibilize bodies and practices implicitly marked in terms of gender, race, social class and geopolitical origin, as well as the subjects, memories and local histories of the Chilean countryside.

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