
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi, which comprise the southeastern states, in 1950 saw a total of 1,354½ geophysical and core-drill crew weeks worked, a decline of 791½ crew weeks from 1949. Wildcats drilled in the area increased from 158 in 1949 to 169 in 1950. The number of development wells was 211 in 1950, a decline of 20 from the 1949 total. The exploratory and development campaign in 1950 resulted in the discovery of 11 new fields and 13 new pools. Oil production increased to a year's total of 44,191,895 barrels. Gas production was 116,617 MMCF in Mississippi and a small, unrecorded amount of solution gas in Alabama and Florida. In Alabama 23 wildcats resulted in 2 new-field discoveries. Eighteen new producers were completed, and oil production amounted to 721,782 barrels, bringing the cumulative total to 2,748,861 barrels. Geophysical and core-drill crew weeks totaled 186, an increase of 5 per cent over 1949. Florida wildcatting declined more than 50 per cent to a total of 9 tests for 1950. One new producer was drilled, and the year's production of 463,093 barrels brought the total cumulative to 1,554,607 barrels. Geophysical and core-drill crew weeks totaled 64, an increase of 7 over 1949. In Georgia 3 dry wildcats were drilled and 2 crew weeks were worked by a geophysical crew. Mississippi wildcats totaled 133, resulting in 9 new fields. In the producing fields 130 producers and 55 dry holes were drilled. Production in the state totaled 43,007,020 barrels of oil and condensate and 116,617 MMCF gas. Geophysical and core-drill activity dropped to 1,102½ crew weeks.

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