
AbstractIn this invited feature article, the invention of pressurized gyration in 2013 and its subsequent development into sister processes such as pressurized melt gyration, infusion gyration, and pressure‐coupled infusion gyration is elucidated. The fundamentals of these processes are discussed, elucidating how these novel methods can be used to facilitate mass production of polymeric fibers and other morphologies. The effects of the main system parameters: rotational speed and gas pressure, are discussed along with the influence of solution parameters such as viscosity and polymer chain entanglement. The effect of flow of material into the gyrator in infused gyration is also illustrated. Examples of many polymers that have been subjected to these processes are discussed and the applications of resulting products are illustrated under several different research themes such as, tissue engineering, drug delivery, diagnostics, hydrogels, filtration, and wound healing.


  • In this invited feature article, the invention of pressurized gyration in 2013 and its subsequent development into sister processes such as pressurized melt gyration, infusion gyration, and pressure-coupled infusion gyration is elucidated

  • To produce functional materials from polymeric fibers, for fibers which it deposits in a whipping motion, leading to random example, biomaterials, forming must take place on a techno- alignment due to electrostatic interactions and asymmetric instalogically relevant scale, with a high surface area and tunable bilities.[18]

  • The Nozzle-free methods of fiber production have been develdemand for ultrafine polymeric fibers is on the rise due to their oped through centrifugal spinning, a voltage-free technique inherent versatility.[8]

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Fundamentals of Pressurized Gyration

The laboratory setup of PG (Mark I device) consists of a small (35 mm × 60 mm) aluminium cylindrical vessel with multiple, narrow (0.5 mm) perforations.[20] The vessel itself is attached to an electric motor, capable of rotational speeds of up to 36 000 rpm. A gas inlet that feeds nitrogen via plastic tubing is fastened to the lid of the vessel. The gas pressure can be increased up to 0.3 MPa. A pre-prepared polymer solution is loaded into the interior of the rotating vessel and the gas inlet is secured in position. The solution is forced out through the perforations and extrudes as a polymer jet which dries, leaving behind fibers.[31,32] The apparatus is situated within a chamber in which fibers are deposited and later collected. The solution is forced out through the perforations and extrudes as a polymer jet which dries, leaving behind fibers.[31,32] The apparatus is situated within a chamber in which fibers are deposited and later collected. (Figure 1) summarizes the basic setup

Principles of Pressurized Gyration
System Parameters
Rotational Speed
Gas Pressure
Collection Setup
Pressure-Coupled Infusion Gyration
Infusion Gyration
Solution Spinnability of Polymers
Mapping Solubility and Spinnability
Properties of Fibers
Drug Delivery
Tissue Engineering
Future Perspectives
Conflict of Interest
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