
The discovery of commercial production in a sandstone in the lower part of the Pennsylvanian system in Kearny County, Kansas, was the outstanding development in the North Mid-Continent region in 1941. The true importance of this discovery remains somewhat problematic at present because of the lack of development in its vicinity. Further exploration in this geologic province will probably be reduced by war conditions. Otherwise, Kansas experienced a year of routine development in and around proved areas. There was a sharp increase in wildcat activity, with a consequent increase in the percentage of dry holes from 20.3 per cent to 26.9 per cent. Productivity developed by oil-well completions fell from about 2,200,000 barrels to 1,700,000 barrels, and the average potential per well fell from 1,561 barrels to 1,379 barrels. An important group of pools was found along the Peace Creek trend in southwest Reno County, which will probably result in a large share of the drilling activity for 1942. These pools are northeast of the Zenith pool and have similar characteristics. Several small and relatively unimportant pools were found on the Central Kansas uplift, but with the exception of the Ray pool in Phil ips County, attempts to develop important production in northwestern Kansas were relatively unsuccessful. Development of the McLouth pool in the Forest City basin continued. In Nebraska, the Falls City pool of Richardson County was enlivened by the discovery of a deeper pay in the Hunton dolomite. The Barada pool was discovered about the middle of the year, and gives promise of developing into a small pool similar to Falls City. Wildcatting elsewhere in both east and west Nebraska was unsuccessful although much stratigraphic information was secured. Six deep tests were completed in the Forest City basin part of Missouri, and six dry holes were drilled in Iowa with little promise for commercial production. No wells were completed in South Dakota during the year although a great amount of exploratory work was done. Several stratigraphic tests were drilled. Low crude-oil prices discouraged extensive wildcatting throughout the North Mid-Continent area.

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