
The last 5 yr has been a period of steady growth in instrument capabilities and utilization at the National Institute of Standards and Technology Center for Neutron Research. Since the installation of the liquid hydrogen cold source in 1995, all of the instruments originally planned for the Cold Neutron Research Facility have been completed and made available to users, and three new thermal neutron instruments have been installed. Currently, an advanced cold source is being fabricated that will better couple the reactor core and the existing network of neutron guides. Many improvements are also being made in neutron optics to enhance the beam characteristics of certain instruments. For example, optical filters will be installed that will increase the fluxes at the two 30-m SANS instruments by as much as two. Sets of MgF 2 biconcave lenses have been developed for SANS that have demonstrated a significant improvement in resolution over conventional pinhole collimation. The recently commissioned high-flux backscattering spectrometer incorporates a converging guide, a large spherically focusing monochromator and analyzer, and a novel phase space transform chopper, to achieve very high intensity while maintaining excellent energy resolution. Finally, a prototype low background, doubly focusing neutron monochromator is nearing completion that will be the heart of a new cold neutron spectrometer, as well as two new thermal neutron triple axis spectrometers.

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