
Excitable Membranes.- Channel Noise Measurements in Nerve.- Internal pH and K+ Channel Rate Constants.- The Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Voltage-Clamp Currents of the Squid Giant Axon.- Single Channel Conductance Measurements at the Neuromuscular Junction.- The Time Course of Membrane Conductance Change Evoked by Iontophoretically Applied Acetylcholine.- The Capacity of Cell Membranes: Gating Current Measurements.- Charge Movement and Contraction Threshold in Skeletal Muscle Fibres.- Properties of the Current (if) Which Underlies Adrenaline Action in the SA Node. Comparison with iK2 in the Purkinje Fibre.- A Model to Account for Firing Behaviour of Neurons Stimulated by Rectangular and Sinusoidal Currents.- Visual Adaptation and Changes in the Time Course of the Receptor Potential in the Retinula Cells of the Honeybee Drone.- Nonexcitable Membranes and Artificial Systems.- Photopigment Inducing Pores in Lipid Bilayer Membranes.- Ionic Transport Properties of the Hemocyanin Channel.- On the Structure of Melittin in Aqueous Solutions and upon Interaction with Membrane Model Systems.- Temperature Dependence of Matter Transport in Valoniautricularis.- Activation Energies in Isothermal and Non-isothermal Membrane Transport.- Transport Coefficients in a Nonlinear Membrane Array.- Structural Aspects of Energy Transducing Membranes.- Kinetic Aspects of Energy Coupling in Bacterial Photophosphorylation under Controlled Thermodynamic Conditions.- Role of a Critical Fatty Acid Concentration on a Phospholipid Exchange and Size Enlargement of Sonicated Vesicles.- Depolarization Current Analysis and Electrical Birefringence in Water-in-Oil Micro-emulsions.- Photobiology.- On the Nature of the Primary Photochemical Events in Bacteriorhodopsin.- New Experimental Approaches to the Study of the Photoresponses of Flagellated Algae.- Photomotile Responses in Oohromonasdanica.- Photo sensory Transduction in Euglenagracilis: Ineffectiveness of Some Protonophores.- Biomacromolecules: Protein Structure and Function.- Magnetic Properties and Structure of Oxyhemoglobin and Carbonmonoxyhemoglobin.- Effects of Organic Solvents on the Conformational and Functional Stability of Some Biological Macromolecules.- Isotopie Effects on the Kinetics of Thermal Denaturation of Met-Hemoglobin.- The Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide on Spin- Labeled Alcohol Dehydrogenase from Equine Liver.- Polyfunctionality of Horse Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase.- Biomacromolecules: Nucleic Acids.- Application of Small Angle Neutron Scattering to RNA-Protein Complexes.- A Spectrophotometric Study of the Structure of rRNA in the Ribosome and in the Free State.- Polypeptide Sequences Coded by Complementary DNA Strands: A Computer Investigation of Gene Polynucleotide Sequences.- Complex Formation between 9-Aminoacridine and DNA.- Variation of DNA Physico-Chemical Parameters in Its Interaction with Mutagenic and/or Carcinogenic Compounds.- Compartmentalization in the Control of RNA and Protein Synthesis during Nutritional Shift-Down in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.- Contributor Index.

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