
Developmental Speech and Language Disorders According to ICD-11 Abstract. In ICD-11, similar to ICD-10, speech and language disorders are classified as neurodevelopmental disorders, which are part of ICD-11 Chapter 6 (Mental, Behavioural and Neurodevelopmental Disorders). The ICD-10 criteria were not well accepted by many professionals in research and clinic who work with children with speech and language disorders. Especially linguists and speech and language therapists see ICD-10 as too crude and lacking specification of individual language problems. Medical professions in turn criticize the missing aspect of organically caused speech and language problems. This paper presents the classification of speech and language problems or disorders according to ICD-11 compared to ICD-10. One essential aspect lies in the differentiation between "primary" and "secondary" neurodevelopmental disorders. In addition, we compare and discuss other recent classification approaches, such as DSM-5, CATALISE-2, and the classification "Auditory Processing Disorder" by pediatric audiologists. We present a classification approach based on ICD-11, supplemented by an additional specification of the respective impaired speech or language area in the individual child and based on a thorough speech and language assessment. We thus hope to pave the path for an interdisciplinary classification of speech and language disorders according to ICD-11, our aim being to establish a common terminology that can be used by all professions. We expect this common terminology to improve clinical care and to allow for the integration and comparability of speech- and language-related research efforts.

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