
Five specimens, presumably representing different developmental stages of the land planarian Kontikia mexicana (Hyman, 1939), were used to reconstruct the development of the copulatory apparatus in this species. The results support the notion that Kontikia differs from the closely related Caenoplana in its possession of a penis papilla. In the earliest stage available, a penis papilla was absent and other components were not differentiated. In a late-juvenile condition, the gonopore, seminal vesicle, and ejaculatory duct were present. The short penis papilla appeared to arise in this stage by elongation of the terminal tissue around the ejaculatory duct and its separation from the antral wall. The female canal was guarded by an epithelial fold and the glandular duct was present. In the mature condition, the penis papilla was more elongate, and the secretory (prostatic) region of the ejaculatory duct was functional. The female canal, guarded by an epithelial fold, was well-developed with enlarged glandular duct but lacking the posterior diverticulum and the sperm storage system associated with the ovovitelline ducts known in Kontikia orana Froehlich, 1955.

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