
Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) contains a number of pharmaceutically important alkaloids of the benzylisoquinoline type including morphine, codeine, papaverine, and sanguinarine. Although these alkaloids accumulate to high concentrations in various organs of the intact plant, only the phytoalexin sanguinarine has been found at significant levels in opium poppy cell cultures. Moreover, even sanguinarine biosynthesis is not constitutive in poppy cell suspension cultures, but is typically induced only after treatment with a funga-derived elicitor. The absence of appreciable quantities of alkaloids in dedifferentiated opium poppy cell cultures suggests that benzylisoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis is developmentally regulated and requires the differentiation of specific tissues. In the 40 yr since opium poppy tissues were first culturedin vitro, a number of reports on the redifferentiation of roots and buds from callus have appeared. A requirement for the presence of specialized laticifer cells has been suggested before certain alkaloids, such as morphine and codeine, can accumulate. Laticifers represent a complex internal secretory system in about 15 plant families and appear to have multiple evolutionary origins. Opium poppy laticifers differentiate from procambial cells and undergo articulation and anastomosis to form a continuous network of elements associated with the phloem throughout much of the intact plant. Latex is the combined cytoplasm of fused laticifer vessels, and contains numerous large alkaloid vesicles in which latex-associated poppy alkaloids are sequestered. The formation of alkaloid vesicles, the subcellular compartmentation of alkaloid biosynthesis, and the tissue-specific localization and control of these processes are important unresolved problems in plant cell biology. Alkaloid biosynthesis in opium poppy is an excellent model system to investigate the developmental regulation and cell biology of complex metabolic pathways, and the relationship between metabolic regulation and cell-type specific differentiation. In this review, we summarize the literature on the roles of cellular differentiation and plant development in alkaloid biosynthesis in opium poppy plants and tissue cultures.

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