
Ethanol is metabolized primarily in the liver by a cytosolic alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). The product, acetaldehyde, is metabolized to acetate by nonspecific aldehyde dehydrogenases (AHD). Mouse liver contains five major constitutive AHD isoenzymes: mitochondrial high K m (AHD-1), mitochondrial low K m (AHD-5), cytosolic high K m (AHD-7), cytosolic low K m (AHD-2) and microsomal high K m (AHD-3). The Long-Sleep (LS) and Short-Sleep (SS) mice differ in their sleep time response to ethanol as early as 10 days of age, and this difference increases with increasing age. Age- and genotype-related differences in metabolism could account for the pattern of responses seen in these mice. We measured the activity of hepatic ADH and the five AHD isoenzymes in LS and SS mice from 3 days of age to adulthood to determine if there were differences in the developmental profiles of these enzyme activities. We found no sex differences in the developmental profile of either ADH or AHD, and the LS and SS mice have nearly identical ADH and AHD activities with the possible exception of the high K m mitochondrial enzyme activity between days 3 and 6, and the low K m mitochondrial enzyme between days 28 and 32. Thus, it appears that differences in ethanol or acetaldehyde metabolism do not contribute significantly to the differential sensitivity to ethanol between young LS and SS mice or to the differential sensitivity between young and adult mice.

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