
larities in developmental stages among -phe meaning that Luft identifies with psychotherapeutic, encounter, and soconcept is probably the most pop cial work groups. Given certain charujar one among group theorists. It is acteristics such as democratic and Specific and is, for that reason, highly empathie leadership styles, developuseful as a working tool for the practi mental stages are more similar than t;oner. different in these three types of groups. y^e notion 0f process is drawn The purpose of this article is to from the work of Yalom who, in dis examine the concept of process as it cussing the concept as it applies to applies to several different types of gr0Up psychotherapy, to the growth-oriented groups. The question relationship implications of interper to be addressed is whether certain desonai transactions. 3 Yalom observes velopmental processes play a part in further that the life of these groups regardless of their specific objectives. a therapist who is process-oriented con The expression, growth oriented, cerns himself not solely with the verbal refers to groups (psychotherapy, encontent of the patients utterance, but counter, or social work groups) that with the and of the ut , t j • . i terance, especially insofar as the how have more personal and interpersonal . ,, , „ t f r , and why illuminate some aspects of goals than other groups do. Growththe patien[,s relations'hip t0 others with oriented groups are usually led by prowhom he is interacting. fessionals from various disciplines who value empathie ways of working with Yalom extends the definition of pro people. Affective as well as cognitive cess in a highly useful way to include involvement in the group, an introthe significance of interpersonal be spective atmosphere, interpersonal suphaviors at various levels of psycho port, mutuality of goals, and differlogical and social awareness within entiation of group members' needs, all the dynamics of group life, are important ingredients of the modus As a way of simplifying, yet not operandi. Interventions that promote doing an injustice to a highly complex understanding about the meaning of phenomenon, process will be defined interactions among members are seen here as the change taking place in in as essential sources of learning and teractions among individuals over change. time. This definition takes into con sideration the complexities inherent in

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