
In holometabolous insects, life-history characteristics can vary in response to diet. The main aim of this contribution was to examine which diet best promotes larval development and survival of the aquatic saprophagous hoverfly Eristalis tenax L. (Diptera: Syrphidae). This study was motivated by a need to optimize techniques for rearing these insects in captivity. We studied how adding yeast to several rearing media based on animal droppings or decaying plant material affected development and survival in captive larvae, and whether these effects could be optimized depending on the amount of yeast and the rearing medium. In addition, premature exit of larvae was examined in two medium volumes to investigate differences in pupation. Larvae in yeast supplemented rabbit growth medium pupated and emerged faster than those in horse and antelope growth media. A high number of adult females emerged when compared to males, and both seemed to have a shorter developmental period in yeast supplemented growth media. Pupal survival was significantly greater in a mixture of droppings and plant organic matter, and a high medium volume of 140 ml (p < 0.05). Between 10% and 17% of larvae prematurely exited the aquatic medium in high (140) and low (70 ml) medium volumes, respectively. These results provide additional information that may be crucial for the successful mass rearing of E. tenax in captivity, and suggest that apart from the addition of yeast, growth medium quality and volume may be limiting factors for the production of large colonies of adults.

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