
Lutescens-1, a tobacco mutant with a maternally inherited dysfunction, displayed an unusual developmental phenotype. In vivo measurement of chlorophyll fluorescence revealed deterioration in photosystem II (PSII) function as leaves expanded. Analysis of thylakoid membrane proteins by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated the physical loss of nuclear- and chloroplast-encoded polypeptides comprising the PSII core complex concomitant with loss of activity. Freeze fracture electron micrographs of mutant thylakoids showed a reduced density, compared to wild type, of the EF(s) particles which have been shown previously to be the structural entity containing PSII core complexes and associated pigment-proteins. The selective loss of PSII cores from thylakoids resulted in a higher ratio of antenna chlorophyll to reaction centers and an altered 77 K chlorophyll fluorescence emission spectra; these data are interpreted to indicate functional isolation of light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b complexes in the absence of PSII centers. Examination of PSII reaction centers (which were present at lower levels in mutant membranes) by monitoring the light-dependent phosphorylation of PSII polypeptides and flash-induced O(2) evolution patterns demonstrated that the PSII cores which were assembled in mutant thylakoids were functionally identical to those of wild type. We conclude that the lutescens-1 mutation affected the correct stoichiometry of PSII centers, in relation to other membrane constituents, by disrupting the proper assembly and maintenance of PSII complexes in lutescens-1 thylakoid membranes.

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