
The monoclonal mouse antibody Q 211 binds to an antigen, which is expressed by postmitotic growing neurons of embryonic chicken and rat brain. In chicken, thin layer chromatography (TLC) immunostaining confirms the presence of the Q 211 antigen in at least 3 different polysialoganglioside fractions. One comigrates on TLC plates with GP1c and the others with gangliosides, which have been previously preliminary characterized as GQ1c, and as a hexasialoganglioside. Thus, 3 sialic acid residues linked to the inner galactose of a complete tetraose moiety is suggested as the common epitope of the different Q 211-antigen-active gangliosides. Also in the embryonic rat brain, immunohistochemistry reveals a transient expression of the Q 211 antigen in areas containing growing nerve fibres. Unlike chicken, however, in the rat the staining is restricted to early thalamocortical innervations and to a fibre system (probably long distance projections) connecting the mamillary body with the hippocampus formation. In ganglioside extracts from rat forebrain 2 polysialogangliosides are shown by immuno-TLC to bind Q 211. One of these fractions, occurring transiently and in parallel with histochemical staining, comigrates on TLC plates with chicken GP1c. The other comigrates with the second main Q 211 antigen-containing band of chicken, which was preliminary identified as GQ1c.

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