
In this article, the issues related to the interactions between an individual and the social environment are analysed. The educational environment is seen as a factor for the development of the personality of its subjects. Various approaches to understanding the educational environment as a system of opportunities for developing the subjectivity of preschool children are considered. In the transitional conditions where the State Standards of Preschool Education are applied, the main components of the educational environment of early childhood, the educational environment for the acquisition of the child's subjective position, are in focus. The article contains a description of the results of a study on the influence of the educational environment on the child's mastery of a subjective position. It is proved that the child's subjective position in the activity can be successfully developed already at the preschool age, determining the integrity of his/her development, and the involvement of the preschool child into the surrounding reality and the opportunity to create in it. Analysis of the results of the empirical study has demonstrated that studying the environment affects each subject of the educational process. Its quality affects the personal development of children, including its intellectual, social, and personal components. The educational environment of early childhood enhances the development of subjectivity in preschool children, being a systemic quality of personality and integrating such attributive characteristics as liberty, independence, creativity, constructive interaction with the environment, desire to acquire self-regulation through mastering the motivating, and activating and directing functions of subjectivity.

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