
When a child does not meet his or her developmental milestones within the predicted time or age, this is referred to as developmental delay. Developmental milestones are activities that certain children master or acquire at specific ages. Head balance, rolling, crawling, driving, and talking are a few examples. The mechanism of growth and the completion of such developmental milestones are referred to as child development. The patient was a 14 months old male child came to the hospital with complaint of inability to sit also he is unable to hold anything in his hand. As narrated by the mother the child was born to G2P1L1A1 mother at 9 months 5 days of gestation. The child has not yet attained gross motor milestone such as rolling over and no sit with support. The child attained immature pincer grasp at 12 months of age and has not attained mature pincer grasp. Social smile was attained at 6 months, stranger anxiety at 12 months and the child has not attained bye-bye. The child was alert to sounds by the age of 9 months .babbles at 10 months and says mama-dada at 12 months. The child is immunized till age. The marriage of the parents was non-consanguineous marriage. The child was born with a weight of 2.5 kg the mother had LSCS and breech delivery. The child did not cry immediately after birth. The child has history of fever after 3 months of delivery. The child is also interpreted as grade 1 mild malnutritious (71-80) %. Developmental delay and grade 1 mild malnutrition. The above study shows that Neck facilitation exercises in prone lying, Ice technique and proper brush technique for neck facilitation improves neck holding. Rolling facilitation in side lying position and proper handling positions helps in attaining milestones such as Rolling over. Facilitation of extension tone with vestibular rehabilitation helps to facilitate extensors. Family plays an important role in the management of such cases all the exercises should be properly explained to them for more improvement. Supporting the child while sitting, for example, might help him or her develop weight shifting, rotation, coordination, and balance.

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