
Spatial learning in pre- and postweaning meadow voles, ( Microtus pennsylvanicus) was examined in a Morris water-maze task. The learning performance of 10-day-old (preweaning) and 15-, 20- and 25-day-old (postweaning) male and female voles was assessed by measuring the latency to reach a hidden platform by each animal twice a day for 5 days. Voles of all age groups were able to learn the spatial task with Day 10 and Day 15 voles acquiring the task more slowly than did Day 20 and Day 25 voles. There were no significant sex differences in task acquisition in any of the four age groups. In addition, although swimming speed was related to age, with older animals swimming faster than younger ones, differences in swim speed did not account for the faster acquisition by the older animals. These results show that both preweaning and postweaning voles can successfully learn a spatial task. This is in contrast to preweaning laboratory rats which cannot successfully acquire a similar spatial task. These findings indicate that there are species differences in the ontogeny of spatial learning, which are likely related to the ecological and behavioural developmental characteristics of the species. Furthermore, in contrast to the sex difference in water-maze performance obtained in adult, breeding meadow voles who demonstrate a sex difference, there were no significant sex differences in the spatial performance of the juvenile voles. This suggests that sex differences in spatial learning in the meadow vole do not appear until voles reach reproductive adulthood.

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