
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) cv. Modern grown in refined sand at deficient (0.033 mg L‐1) boron (B) developed visible symptoms of low B accompanied by marked depression in growth, dry matter, tissue B, flower head size, and seed weight. The B deficient seeds showed a marked decrease in non‐reducing sugars and contents of oil and starch whereas in leaves reducing sugars accumulated. Except for slight increase in leaf B and flower size, resumption of sufficient B (0.33 mg L‐1) to B deficient plants from the day of anthesis could not appreciably alter the growth, dry matter, head size and seed weight of deficient plants. Apart from this, non‐reducing sugar content in seeds increased on resupplying B to deficient plants. A significant decrease in non‐reducing sugars and starch content in B sufficient seeds by withdrawing B from the day of anthesis indicate a specific role of B in production and deposition of reserve in the seeds of sunflower.

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