
The tendencies of the world and Ukrainian market of wine-making products development in modern conditions of increasing its consumption and competition from new wine-making countries are investigated in the article on the basis of a critical review and analysis of literary sources. The author examines the major wine producers export and revealed, that the world leaders in wine exports are France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Portugal. The main world wine importers are considered and revealed, that the world’s leading of grape wines producers are the USA and Germany. Viticulture and winemaking have always been important types of economic activity in Ukraine as a whole, and, in particular, in Odessa region, which accounts for more than 30% of the total production of grape wines of the country. That is why the author investigates the dynamics of the gross collection, the area and productivity of vineyards in Ukraine and Odessa region, the volume of grape processing on wine materials by regions, the production of wine materials by regions of Ukraine. The authors highlighted some challenges of the wine market, such as: a decline in grape yields; lack of funding of the wine complex; inadequate care of plantation; high costs of material and technical resources; excessive thinning of plantation. The main directions of the problem solutions in the wine sector are proposed: to make arrangements for wine market capacity increment taking into consideration the needs of population, their buying capacity and maximal export potential; implementation of measures for infrastructure development of wine market, regulation of supplies and demands, market protection from the import of wine and raw materials of low quality. It has been established that for the Ukrainian economy at the present stage of development, the most important task is to increase the efficiency of export opportunities for wine products, because it is of high quality and has high international competitiveness, which has been confirmed by domestic and foreign experts and consumers.


  • В період інтенсивного розвитку сучасного ринку виноробної продукції, де площі плодоносних виноградників зменшуються швидкими темпами, споживання вина збільшується, а конкуренція з боку нових винних держав зростає

  • wine-making countries are investigated in the article on the basis

  • why the author investigates the dynamics of the gross collection

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Інші регіони світу

Основними лідерами світового виробництва виноробної продукції прийнято вважати Францію, Італію, Іспанію. Але у зв’язку з виходом на світовий ринок нових винних держав, таких як Китай, Туреччина, Південна Африка, значно складніше утримувати лідерські показники виробництва вина та виноробної продукції на світовому ринку, адже конкуренція з кожним роком зростає. Світовими експортними лідерами виноробної продукції є Франція, Італія, Іспанія, Німеччина та Португалія, які за показниками світової статистики об’єднані в ТОП-5 2016–2017 роки (складено авторами за даними [9])

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