
Subject. The article investigates trends and prospects for poultry farming development at the regional level. Objectives. The purpose is to study the condition of poultry farming in the region, identify development trends, design mechanisms for government support for poultry farming. Methods. The study employs monographic, abstract-logical, statistical, and analytical methods. Results. In the Republic of Dagestan, the poultry production is concentrated in private farm households. This fact reduces the competitiveness of the sub-sector. The study establishes that there is a significant potential for increasing the production volumes of the industry. The bank capital practically does not participate in the modernization of poultry farming in the region, in part because of unfavorable credit history of most economic entities and insufficient collateral. Against the background of low rates of attracting private investment, there is an urgent need for State support for the industry. Conclusions. We propose a set of reasonable measures to stimulate State support for poultry farming in the region, including through improving the forms and methods of scientific and innovative support, linking the forms of the support with the achievement of established development indicators. The paper determines the need for introducing State support to stimulate the industry’s transfer of industrial basis.

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