
East Kalimantan province is one of the largest coal deposit reserve source, especially in the mining and quarrying sector. Mining sector is a strategic sector in East Kalimantan but post coal mining land has the problem for land using. The research method used survey method and laboratory test on 21 entities/companies with the status of cooperative and non-cooperative approach and land resource evaluation on 30 respondent keys (key informant). Analysis of data is using the evaluation of land potential: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), IRR, NPV and BCR. The results showed that there are 2 scenarios decisions in the development of coal mining region that is the optimistic scenario on 2 aspects namely: (1) tourism (recreational parks and historical tours) and (2) aspects of the fishery (tilapia, goldfish, catfish). Then, in the moderate scenario, there are 3 aspects of development: (1) services (administration and housing); (2) fisheries (cork fish and damselfish) and (3) agriculture (guava, melinjo and dragon fruit). Optimizing the utilization of post-coal mining land in the regency of Kutai Kartanegara can be carried out with reference to these two types of scenarios as a manifestation of an engine of regional development.

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