
The Great Patriotic War could not be won without winning the front. Volga-Ural region during the war, called Second Baku, provided the front significant amount of gasoline, ammonium nitrate, nitric acid and toluene. Refineries Soviet Union, located in a large part of the Ural-Volga region, provided the processing of almost all the oil produced in the country (93-97%). Processing volume in 1940 amounted to 29.4 million tons, and in 1945 - 17.7 million tons. During the war, oil refining, for example, in the Bashkir ASSR has almost doubled gasoline in 1945 was produced 3.5 times more than in 1940. The region has become a place of evacuation of many enterprises from the occupied areas of the Soviet Union. In 1944, important discoveries were made Devonian oil in the Ural-Volga region, led to the development of the oil industry, including oil refining in the region in the postwar period. For Soviet oil refining industry in the years of the Great Patriotic War was characterized by a combination of both new technologies and more intensive development of the capacities of the base, which was created as a result of Stalin's modernization in the prewar period. One of the innovations in the war years was the development of a pure gas fields in some areas of the Ural-Volga region. It was built in a number of local gas pipelines for gas fuel oil refining. Refining industry Volga-Ural region during the Great Patriotic War, due to objective historical circumstances received a powerful impetus to the development and to a great extent provided in the technical and technological victory against the Soviet army.

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